3 Super Foods That Instantly Make Your Lunch Healthier

3 Super Foods That Instantly Make Your Lunch Healthier

If your busy schedule has you putting mostly fast foods and processed snacks in your lunchbox, chances are you’re missing out on a variety of essential nutrients your body needs for optimal health. The good news is that nature offers a wide range of superfoods that can get you back on track in just a few servings.

What Makes Superfoods So Super?

No, they don’t wear red capes like their name might imply. Superfoods get their name by packing more essential nutrients per bite than other foods. That means you can get more heart healthy fiber, immune-boosting antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and other nutritional goodies per serving when you incorporate superfoods into your snacks and meals.

Here are three great choices you can immediately start adding to your lunchbox this week:

1. Nuts & Seeds – Don’t be afraid to incorporate a handful of raw, unsalted nuts into your lunch. In addition to being naturally filling and high in protein, all nuts and seeds contain a coating that is rich with antioxidant polyphenols, which are associated with reducing the risk of cancer. Most nuts are also high in the amino acid arginine, which helps lower cholesterol levels. While it is true that nuts are high in fat, most contain the good polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fats that are good for your cholesterol levels.

2. Buckwheat – Although some people think of it as a grain, buckwheat is the seed of a plant in the rhubarb family. It is often used like rice, but has more protein and a lower glycemic index than rice and grains making it a better choice for those monitoring their blood sugar levels. Not only is it higher in minerals than grains, such as zinc, copper and manganese, it is a good source of dietary fiber. Check out this Gluten-Free Cranberry Spinach Buckwheat Salad recipe for a tasty way to add buckwheat to your lunch salads.

3. Raspberries – Just one cup of these red berries packs 4 grams of fiber, plus 25% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C and manganese. They are also a great palate cleanser. So, you can have your dessert and stop any cravings that might hit you in the afternoon because of food lingering on your taste buds.


If these three superfoods don’t tickle your fancy, don’t worry! There is a wide range of superfoods to choose from. To learn more, we recommend reading this Woman’s Day article featuring 52 superfoods.

Any superfoods you like adding to your lunch? Let us know in the comments!

Take the Bentgo Superfoods Lunch Challenge

Post your superfoods lunch on Instagram using #BentgoSuperFoodsChallenge between now and May 30 for your chance to win a free Bentgo Salad in your choice of color.

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